Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Insanity v sanity

by Thomas Sim, 15 March, 2003

What is the definition of insanity?

When you believe that you are superman and fly the superman way, you are insane. Why, because you will fall and die. This is the far extreme example of insanity.

Many of us are not in that category. We are thus, not socially classified as 'insane'. However, there is a degree of insanity in every one of us. Where got? OK... Let me ask you this: Do you believe that in 99% of the time your opinion is right?

You do, right? Or else why you ask for my opinion? Yes, many instances, we believe we are right and others are wrong. Even when we are told that we are wrong, we come out with excuses and insist on our stand. We refuse to admit that we are wrong and hence we resist changes.

In marketing, market research is carried out because market perception might be way different from how marketers themselves think about the product. Marketers have to know exactly how the market would view the product to earn a strong product position in the market. This is the core existence of marketing.

Anyway, this article is not about marketing. It is about insanity v sanity.

The opposite of insanity is sanity. So, do you mean that he who is told to believe that he is superman, would have to die as superman to be 'sane'?

Consider the present day, it is not so. On the other hand, if you put it back few hundred years, the answer is a definite 'Yes!'

We live in the society where our views are affected and sometimes shaped by others; we are preconceived with what is right and what is wrong. Many a time, we truly do not know what is right and what is wrong anymore. It is dynamic with time and 'who is the boss?' kind of situation. In this context, he who believes he is right and against the odds, can be seen as insane at that moment of time. If he is luckily proven later on to be right - hence 'sane', he is a brilliant man.

One such example is our beloved Prime Minister who advocated the non-IMF way during the 1997-98 economic crisis. Whatever is said about him, he is our strong and visionary leader.

Insanity or sanity; only when it can stand the test of time.

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