Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Who is a Professional?

by Thomas Sim, 24 Dec, 2000

Many a time, people claim themselves as 'professionals' because it comes with the name paramount of prestige and honour, not to say the security of being indispensable - only I can do, you cannot do - type of superiority.

Having said that, what is the definition of 'Professional'? Dictionary says that a professional is 'a qualified person employed in a profession'.

To me, there are at least two facets of how professionals can be qualified.

1. The job's requirement which is unique in functional nature.
2. Next, the requirement of a certain standard in the job to be performed effectively and efficiently.

An example to illustrate this is that of a doctor. A doctor is a professional because he is knowledgeable enough to perform the diagnosis and treatment of illness. And that a doctor is expected to perform the job effectively and efficiently.

Let me ask one more question: how to qualify effectiveness and the standard of technology required? In other words, how to differentiate the work of a qualified Medical Doctor from another, say a Chinese Physician? Bear in mind that both are similar in their ultimate aim, i.e. to cure the illness of the patient. Their effectiveness or knowledge of technology, though from different schools of teaching, are aimed to achieve the cure. It hard to prove which is correct because GOD only knows. With limitation of our human mind, we ultimately relied on evidence based medicine. We accepted the Medical Doctor as "the Doctor" in providing the 'Professional' medical service. What is crucial to take note is that it became governed by the Medical Act. Therefore, no doctor is a doctor unless approved by the Malaysian Medical Council.

That is a human decision. It is what the public thinks and not how much an individual belief in to be a professional. It is a fact because it is regulated. A nobody cannot practice as a medical doctor without having registered with the MMC. The fine and/or jail term is spelled out in the Act.

A lot of things in this world are only perceptions. Hence, we work by following public perception. The ultimatum - by the popularity. Movie stars are professionals and Models are professionals, but what about Insurance Agents and Medical Representatives? There are examinations that insurance agents have to pass to qualify. Furthermore, the practice of insurance is governed by the Insurance Act. However, somehow that does not make people think that they are professional as they always claim of themselves.

So, who is the professional? The factors to consider are:

1. Any legislature or guideline that qualify the particular profession, and
2. The popularity of the profession which confers its professionalism

I would tend to believe that a professional ultimately must withstand the test of time and be sincere to GOD. Nevertheless, the easy way out is to follow the above two criteria - for it is a perception. What is more important is the livelihood and the passion you have in the job.

It is the end and not the process that is more meaningful, though I sometimes believe the other way round.

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