Friday, January 16, 2009


Dear Nielsen,

It was no surprise that RD engaged you as the agency for survey. My guess is that its sale has gone south too much and too soon that it is unbearable for them to DIGEST!

I am not writing a complaint letter to you, as you are a consulting agency they employed. May be it is a waste of time to write as you are paid a fee to comply to what they want. More so that the whole survey may possibly be just another show and another reason for them to spend some money and announce to the world that they are working, not sleeping.

Two years ago (2007), I started subscribing to RD online. At first, it was fine. I received monthly issues and on that basis, I was very satisfied. Next, I started getting thick mail on 'CONTESTS' with stickers which will win thousand and thousand of RINGGIT, cars and whatsoever gifts. As this world is so corrupted, I read the fine prints and discovered that the contest lasts for a period of 12 months and there are many deep trenches and dirty catches to sell more merchandise and CDs/books.

Cautious of what may lay beneath, I took time to only reply those without commitment to buy or order any merchandise. When I thought I was safe, I started receiving 'offers' of books - 3 in 1 story books at RM29.90. For the initial delivery, I was happy and for that amount, I thought it was fair to readers and customers like me to just pay for them. After all, what can RM29.90 buy nowadays? I guess, as marketing consultant, you would think it as a fair play too.

But, nice things never stay long. Soon, I received the expensive pack - 3 in 1 story book which costs RM115! So, you see, I have been 'cornered' and 'cheated' to think that I could choose to buy special offers! Later on, I was enlightened that the 'offer' is actually 'introductory price'. It comes with the commitment that the next will be 'normal price' which is 3.846 times more! I believe that the most stupid man on the street will not agree that this price is just another fair play. It is 3.846 times more! It is a scam to cheat poor reader like me to buy the 'introductory' book and charge us back on the second shipment.

But, poor and easy prey like me, I complied with it. Never mind, I told myself, 6 books for a price of RM144.90. No need to cry over spilt milk, just pay and save the trouble to seek recourse. You see, most people will just give in.

Soon, I thought I shouldn't just take things for granted. I called in to RD's call centre 03-79601111 on 8 May, 08, 3.30pm to cancel the participation to contest and told the call center not to send me anything apart from the subscription. For your information, I had until Jan 09 to end of my subscription. Then, back to starting point, I started receiving again the thick mails with forms and invitation to participate in contest again. Before I realised, the next 'introductory' price of RM29.90 came again, and then the outstanding bill, then the reminder on outstanding unpaid, etc.

I wrote back on two occasions, that I never ordered the books, they never acknowledged. The accounts department kept on sending reminder for payment. I wrote back to tell them to at least give me a self-addressed envelop to send them back the unwanted book. The customer care centre, Mr Muhammad Raza Hafeez, replied "We regret to inform we do not provide pick up services for customers. We would appreciate it if you could return the above mentioned "xxxx" by NORMAL a.r registered post or return personally together with the bill marked "cancel" to our mailing address below."

The long story about a good relationship turning very sour. This is sad, and I feel very depressed and low class for being associated with RD. What a popular reading material in my childhood time - I read the mandarin edition loved by my father 30 years ago! What an authority in the old days has come down to such a pariah status now until having to resort to this type of dirty tactics to sell and sell and sell, push and push and push and to people who shouted 'don't want', they still want to push!

I really don't know how to describe the sad and pathetic feeling I have for RD. Please help them to help us feel better. It is too good a brand gone bad!

Thank you,

Yours Sincerely,


1 comment:

AlexanderMill said...

"RD's bad tactic" likely refers to using unethical, ineffective, or counterproductive HostMyCode strategies in a particular context, but without more specifics, it's unclear which tactic or scenario you're asking about.

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